Old__2020-22/Plug-in & script
3dsMax CAT Rig Resizer Script Fixed
DongHwan, Kim
2012. 3. 8. 14:05
After so many requests from the Cat users about the resize process for the already rigged models, we fixed for you the CAT Rig Resizer script.
You can download 3dsmax 2012 version here:
http://www.raylightgames.com/xrayunwrap/Rig Resizer.ms
You can download 3dsmax 2011 and older version here:
http://www.raylightgames.com/xrayunwrap/oldcat/Rig Resizer.ms
After downloaded the fixed script (please save a backup copy of the old script), you need to overwrite the file into the 3dsmax folder: 3ds Max\stdplugs\stdscripts\CATScripts
We hope this may help with your work.
Raylight team
NOTE: This fix hardly can cause any damage, but if that happens Raylight s.r.l. cannot be held responsible for that.