DongHwan, Kim 2012. 11. 6. 11:18

mmRegions is a free script which helps you manage the render regions in your scene. Use is to save/load different regions, and to batch-render multiple regions.

See the download link for installation instructions and additional info.

V1.1 New Features:

  • Preview window now correctly matches render aspect
  • Now works with V-Ray Frame Buffer regions. If the V-Ray VFB region mode is enabled, creating a new region, restoring a region or batch-rendering will affect that instead of the standard 3dsmax render region.
  • Added spinners for editing the dimensions of the currently selected region.
  • Added option to export/import region data. Data can be exported either as plain text, or as Adobe After Effects keyframe data.
  • Added a confirmation window when ‘delete region’ is pressed.

Homepage URL:
