MultyConvertor - allow to convert any materials, lights (objects) of any renders to any materials, lights (objects) and renders!!! It is all in one.
You can simple create *.mct (edit text file in any text editors and change extension) file for new render and facilities that support this type of rendering. See any *.mct in archive
Now you start the script and setup link properties from one render type to other. You can also use expression for translate value to other value or execute any max script expression.
For example: we have 100% value for opasity in Standart material and should be write for Vray transparent color:
[x/255.0, x/255.0, x/255.0]
x - value of Standard material opasity and result color for Vray transparent property.
Also convertor allow glboal change any parameters in scene. Simple setup the property from and to. Example:
Database saved in proplink.mcl and matlink.mcl
Be careful! The convertor is very powerful and can do many things. I do not even know all its capabilities.