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Old__2020-22/Plug-in & script

Brekel Kinect Pro Body and Pro PointCloud beta testers wanted

by DongHwan, Kim 2012. 11. 6.

Apply to be a beta tester



Two new products are currently in Beta, both using the Microsoft Kinect drivers just like the Pro Face application.

  • Brekel Kinect Pro Body

For capturing body data of 1 or 2 persons.

Besides most of the features of the old free app, it also includes support for hand, foot and head rotations, and can now also export to FBX format.

  • Brekel Kinect Pro PointCloud

For recording pointcloud data to mesh and particle caches.

Supported formats inlcude: Realflow BIN, Alembic, OBJ, BGEO (Houdini pre-v12), PDB, PDC, Krakatoa PRT, PTC.


