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  • imdhkim


Shaderlight Shaderlight for 3ds Max A physically based, progressive ray-tracing technology, Shaderlight for 3ds Max redefines traditional rendering workflows, giving artists the creative freedom to change every detail, right up to deadline. Not only can you move objects or camera angles within a scene and see the results instantly as the image refines, Shaderlight for 3ds Max lets you change the materials, .. 2010. 10. 9.
3ds max 2009 Modify list를 누르면 멈추는 현상 해결방법 3ds max 2009사용시 오브젝트 등을 만들고 Modify list를 누르면 멈추는 현상 해결방법 1. C: / Program Files/ Autodesk/ Max 2009/ stdplugs 에 들어갑니다. (OS 종류에 따라서 위치가 조금 다를 수 있습니다.) 2. “HSDS.dlm” 찾아서 선택을 합니다. 3. “HSDS.dlm”의 확장자를 “HSDS.old” 파일 이름을 바꿉니다. 4. 3ds Max fmf 재시작을 합니다. 2010. 10. 4.
Iray Manager Maxscript Iray Manager Maxscript IRay manager is a toolset to setup Iray renderer with Mental Ray Material Editor (the Iray Material Editor is too slow to update!!). The script let you choose CPU or GPU only render and let you adjust the number of GPU and CPU cores to use for rendering. > download the maxscript loran-cg.blogspot.com 2010. 10. 4.
Monkey Demon Head retopology 2010. 8. 9.
Althiar stage director Althiar Stage Director is a game engine and its authoring tools that can be plugged into 3DS Max Althiar Stage Director는 게임 엔진같이 3ds Max의 Viewport에서 렌더링을 하는 Plug-in입니다. 3ds Max 2011의 Hardware Rendering과 비슷한 렌더 플러그인이라 생각 하시면 됩니다. 2010. 8. 3.
Power Body Object Toolkit 3ds Max 2011에서 넙스 데이터를 위해 추가된 Body Object를 제공한 NPower Software에서 Power Body Object Toolkit를 출시 하였습니다. NPower Software는 UG, CATIA, Pro-E 등의 3D CAD Tool에서 만든 데이터를 3ds Max로 완벽하게 호환하 할 수 있는 3ds Max 변환 Plug-in을 개발하는 회사로 3ds Max 2011을 출시하면서 기본에 Plug-in으로만 제공하던 기능을 일부 포함 시켰켜 SAT 파일 호환을 완벽히 하게 되었으며 앞으로 점차 넙스 포멧을 늘려 갈 것입니다. In addition, the Power UVW Unwrap tool facilitates the application of textures an.. 2010. 8. 3.
Key Transfer 1.06 오브젝트의 애니메이션 키를 쉽게 복사하여 다른 오브젝트에 다양하게 적용해 줍니다. http://jokermartini.com/john-stuff/keytransfer/key_transfer.html 2010. 6. 14.
AR-media™ Plugin & Exporter Professional for Autodesk® 3dsMax® 2010. 4. 22.
Zookeeper 1.4 Zookeeper 1.4 버전 업데이트가 되었습니다, 새로운 기능으로는 레이어 상태에서 선택을 하고 개체 상태로 묶는 등의 효율적인 관린 기능이 향상되었습니다. http://cgtraining.com/Videos/StateSets/StateSets.html 2010. 4. 22.
Iker J. de los Mozos - Character TD Reel fRig Progress Reel from Iker J. on Vimeo. 2010. 4. 22.
TexTools 3.0+ http://boards.polycount.net/showthread.php?t=69736 Homepage: http://renderhjs.net/textools/ Youtube Videos: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_lis...7878B0B79B344E download link: TexTools_3.00.mzp 2010. 2. 8.
SnowFlow v1.2 description: SnowFlow is a 3D Studio Max plugin that creates realistic snow with ease! You just pick an object and SnowFlow does the snow for you! Let the snow fall on your 3D objects and scenes with the click of a button. features: self-explaining user interface with integrated help one-click-solution in most standard situations multiple snow methods for different needs advanced settings to get.. 2010. 1. 28.
Bonyface – facial rigging tool http://fxlda.com/site/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=114&Itemid=133 2010. 1. 26.
Boomer Labs releases MAX2AE v3.5 The latest version of Boomer Labs’ Max to After Effects bridge brings improved After Effects to 3DS Max support as well as enhanced error checking and some minor bug fixes. The plugin now includes support for 3DS Max 2010 and After Effects CS4. A demo version is available for download. More at BoomerLabs.com. Related News: - MAX2AE v3.0 - Boomer Labs releases MAX2AE 2.1 - Boomer Labs Release MAX.. 2010. 1. 20.
PLANETSIDE SOFTWARE TERRAGEN 2 PLANETSIDE SOFTWARE TERRAGEN 2 PLUGIN FOR AUTODESK 3D STUDIO MAX We developed a plugin to be able to share lights, cameras and objects with Terragen 2 from Planetside Software. Latest build add-ons and updates (June 29, 2009): Import planets Import terrains (support for heightfield import and terrain positioning coming later on) Camera export updated 2010. 1. 20.