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  • imdhkim

Comprehensive Texture Baking

by DongHwan, Kim 2014. 6. 19.


베이크에 대한 포괄적인 튜토리얼입니다.

Software covered / used: 3ds Max (2012 – 2015), xNormal, I also used Toolbag for viewing meshes


-Intoduction: 0:00
-Hard Surface Modeling & lining up meshes: 1:05
-Smoothing groups for baking & UV’s: 6:53
-Optimizing a low poly mesh: 11:32
-Into to high poly mesh, setting up projection cage & using render-to-texture: 16:27
-Render-to-texture (cont.) & tangent / object space normal maps comparison: 35:03
-Common baking error demonstration and how to fix it: 40:10
-zBrush / 3ds Max project demo, low poly & high poly workflow. Also cover Freeform Graphite Modeling Tools (Max): 45:27
-zBrush / 3ds Max (cont.) low poly mesh & topology theory, test bake setup: 58:15
-Intro to xNormal: 1:04:46
-Intro to xNormal (cont) Setting up an ambient occlusion “AO” bake: 1:10:18
-Intro to xNormal (cont) U.I. overview, getting meshes into xNormal, performing a normal bake: 1:12:05
-Inspection of test bake, demonstration of common baking error, setting up a scene for testing normal bakes, demonstration of normal map limitations: 1:21:50
-Common workflow problems, how to solve or avoid them. Tutorial wrap-up: 1:25:39

Software covered / used: 3ds Max (2012 – 2015), xNormal, I also used Toolbag for viewing meshes.


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