3ds Max의 오브젝트를 Unreal4로 가져가는 스크립트 입니다.
한번에 여려개의 오브젝트를 각각 저장하여 가져가고 위치값을 저장하여 가져 갈 수 있습니다.
자세한 내용 :
Part 1: Installing the script
1. Open MAX and go to the menu bar MAXScript>Run Script...
2. Find where to downloaded and unpacked the script and
select TS_UE4_ExportObjectTool.ms
*This will seemingly do nothing, but rest assured it's actually copied the scripts to your usermacros folder. You will need to install the script using Customize UI.
3. Go to the menu bar: Customize>Customize User Interface...
4. I like to make a menu, but you can also add the script to your quads, create a shortcut or add it to a toolbar. To add it to a menu:
1-1. In the Customize User Interface dialog, select the Menus tab
1-2. On the right-hand side, click New... and Type in a name for the Menu (I did TS_Tools)
1-3. in the lower-left Menus list, find your newly created menu and drag it into the window on the right. You should see it appear in your menu bar immediately.
1-4. Int he category drop down, look for TS_Tools
1-5. Drag and drop the Export Objects to FBX for UE4 item into the newly created menu in the right list. You should see the new option appear in the menubar and should be able to launch the script by selecting it.
1-6. Curse Autodesk for making this such a pain in the ass.
Part 2 : Using TS_UE4FBXExporter to export FBX files:
1. Launch the script
2. The script defaults to moving each object to 0,0,0 before exporting. This will be reflected in the list.
3. Select the objects/meshes you want to export
4. Verify the names, etc in the list
4-1. The script creates a single FBX for each mesh and names it the scene name
5. You can open the export directory easily by hitting the Open Export Path in Explorer button
5-1. The script creates a /export directory in the directory where the .MAX file is located
6. Click Export Selected Objects button. Each selected mesh will be exported.
7. If you've turned on Show FBX Export Dialog, you will be prompted once before the export, allowing you to set the options for that batch process
8. Now, simply import the exported FBX files into UE4 however you like!
Part 3 : Using TS_UE4FBXExporter to copy the location of objects and paste them into UE4:
1. Launch the script
2. Select Copy Selected Object Transforms and Names to Clipboard
3. Select the objects to be copied
4. Press Export Selected Objects button
4-1. This can take a little time to complete, so don't panic
5. Once MAX returns, you should have a string copied to your clipboard that UE4 will understand
5-1. You can see what it looks like by opening a text editor and pasting the results
6. Open your UE4 scene
7. Go to Edit>Paste
8. You will get an array of cube objects in your scene that will have the same position, rotation, scale and names as they did in MAX
9. Simply find the Static Mesh you want in the Content Browser and replace the mesh in the Details tab for the selected actors!