Bitmap2Material 3.1이 출시되었습니다
B2M 3을 가지고 계신 분은 무료로 다운로드 받을 수 있습니다.
주요 기능은 새로운 PBR 쉐이더가 테셀레이션 및 불투명도 (사진 위로) 지원 새로운 방사성 (Emissive)과 불투명도 출력 사용자 지정 이미지 입력에서의 추가적인 유연성과 전반적인 성능 향상이됩니다 .
Release Notes - B2M - Version 3.1.0
- [Parameters] Syntax errors with some "visible if" conditions
- [Parameters] Inputs tooltips need some fixes
- [Parameters] Inputs labels and ID need some fixes
- [Parameters] Default values fixes
- [Delight] Light Equalizer range values doesn't behave correctly
- [Tiling] "Make It Tile" doesn't behave the same on X and Y axis with Edges Linear method
- [Relief] "Relief Equalizer" is not resolution independent
- [Specular] Specular doesn't work in metallic areas if metallic output is disabled
New Features:
- [Filter] Improved results with non square image inputs
- [Filter] Better global performances
- [Parameters] Add a separated control on X and Y axis for Input Scale
- [Parameters] Add Light cancel angle parameter when extraction method is set on luminance based
- [Image Inputs] Have the possibility to apply Input Scale on "Metallic", "Emissive" and "Relief" image inputs
- [Image Inputs] Have the possibility to apply Make It Tile on "Metallic", "Emissive" and "Relief" image inputs
- [Tiling] "Make It Tile" Edges Quincunx tiling method must be affected by "Tiling Transition Precision"
- [Tiling] "Make It Tile": add a "Tiling Transition Size" option for "Quincunx" and "Linear" methods to control how far from the edges the transition will be done.
- [Relief] "Relief Balance" must produce higher quality results (low and mid frequencies look like coming from low resolution)
- [Relief] Add a parameter (Invert Relief Type) to control the "Invert Relief" type when the "Slope" Method is selected as the extraction algorithm.
- [Relief] Add a "Height Input Softness" option to blur the height map input
- [3D View] Add tessellation to PBR shaders (PC only due to hardware limitations on MacOSX)
- [3D View] Add simple opacity to PBR shaders (no face sorting)
- [Emissive] Add an emissive output (with image input support)
- [Emissive] Add controls to choose the generation method and adjust the result
- [Opacity] Add an opacity output (generated from the Main Input alpha channel)
- [AO] Add an extra frequency equalizer control ("AO Balance")