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Old__2020-22/CG Software

Corona Renderer 7 for 3ds Max 출시

by DongHwan, Kim 2021. 7. 26.

3ds Max용 Corona Renderer 7이 출시되었습니다.

Corona Renderer 7에서는 새로운 물리적 재질 Clearcoat 및 Sheen과 Corona Sky의 쉽고 빠른 항공 원근감 등이 업데이트 되었습니다.


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Corona Renderer 7 for 3ds Max Released! | Corona Renderer

We’re pleased to announce the release of Corona Renderer 7 for 3ds Max! With Clearcoat and Sheen in the new Physical Material, easy and fast aerial perspective in the Corona Sky, faster rendering, and many more updates, this release will give you better



