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Old__2020-22/Plug-in & script

V-Ray 2.30.01 for 3ds Max

by DongHwan, Kim 2012. 5. 11.

Build 2.30.01 official (28 April 2012)

New features:
(*) Support for 3ds Max 2013;
(*) Support for the new shading features of Hair&Fur in 3ds Max 2013;
(*) VRayOrnatrixMod: support for Ornatrix 2.0;
(*) Added a "Matte for reflection/refraction" option to the VRayWrapperMtl material and the V-Ray object settings;
(*) V-Ray RT and V-Ray RT GPU: support for motion blur (transformation and deformation) both in ActiveShade mode and as a production renderer;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU: added a CUDA engine, in addition to OpenCL (64-bit builds only; requires a Fermi or Kepler card and the newest nVidia drivers);

Modified features:
(*) VRayHDRI: added crop/place options to VRayHDRI;
(*) VRayHDRI: added Output and curves rollout to VRayHDRI;
(*) VRayOrnatrixMod: support for Ornatrix thickness maps;
(*) vrimg2exr: added support for RLE compression method for OpenEXR files to vrimg2exr;
(*) VFB: the V-Ray VFB ICC color correction now takes into account the gamma value from the Color Mapping settings of V-Ray;
(*) Support for motion blur of V-Ray mesh lights;
(*) Added the possibility to specify a preview mesh for the vrayMeshExport MaxScript function;
(*) Reduced memory usage and increased speed for dynamic geometry (proxies, displacement etc) in specific situations;
(*) VRayPTex: increased the default cache size for VRayPTex textures;
(*) V-Ray scene converter: now converts IES lights and mr sun/sky in a Daylight system;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU: support for sub-pixel filtering;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU: ability to use full resolution textures;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU: option to specify material texture bit depth to help control GPU memory usage;

Bug fixes:
(*) V-Ray materials saved as using Realistic viewport preview did not show up in the Direct3D viewports;
(*) VRayOrnatrixMod: hair radius was clamped (very small values rendered thicker than they should);
(*) VRayHairInfoTex: fixed invalid material colors;
(*) VRayHairMtl: fixed occasional crashes;
(*) VRaySimbiontMtl: fixed a crash when creating a VRaySimbiontMtl in the material editor in 3ds Max 2012;
(*) Fixed crashes with Particle Flow and motion blur;
(*) Fixed crashes with motion blur on meshes with changing topology;
(*) V-Ray RT: VRaySoftBox texture didn't work in V-Ray RT;
(*) V-Ray RT: "Reload" button in VRayHDRI did not work properly in 3ds Max 2009;
(*) V-Ray RT: fixed a crash when closing the ActiveShade window with the "Auto update bitmaps" option enabled;
(*) V-Ray RT: Crashes when scrubbing the time line with the ActiveShade window open;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU: a VRaySun light illuminated the scene even if it was disabled;
(*) Textures in the V-Ray environment slots did not show up in the Asset Tracker;
(*) VRayLensEffects: fixed crashes in specific situations;
(*) The V-Ray DR spawner did not work without administrator privileges;
(*) VRayEnvironmentFog: fixed incorrect rendering with scaled mesh gizmos;
(*) VRayEnvironmentFog: fixed issues interface issues when switching between different VRayEnvironmentFog effects;
(*) VRayShadowMap: fixed artifacts when rendered with VrayEnvironmentFog;
(*) VRayProxy: Proxy sequences loaded with '#' characters did not render with motion blur;
(*) VFB: Rendering failed when any of the render effects was enabled and "Render to memory frame buffer" was turned off;
(*) VFB: The "Show V-Ray VFB" command did nothing if the VFB was minimized;
(*) VFB: Fixed UI freeze if compare mode was turned on in the VFB and the user tried to render;
(*) VFB: When the VFB history was closed, it reopened on the next render;
(*) VRayPTex: Fixed artifacts in the reflection render element when using VRayPtex textures;
(*) imapviewer: fixed slowdown when merging light maps;
(*) VRayColor2Bump: fixed an issue large render resolutions;
(*) VRayDisplacementMod: fixed possible cracks between different subdivision levels when using subdivision displacement;



