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Old_2014~9/CG New & program

Otoy’s ORBX and Amazon’s EC2 GPU deliver CG applications and games to the browser

by DongHwan, Kim 2013. 11. 7.

Your life in a browser. Otoy, Amazon, NVidia, Mozilla and Autodesk announced that Otoy and Mozilla's efforts to use the ORBX.js JavaScript library for streaming applications to browsers has received a major boost. The technology has been incorporated into the new Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud G2 instance type, allowing to deploy high-performance NVidia GRID GPU graphics on-demand to any HTML5-compliant browser. A sample video shows 3DS Max running on Firefox with Octane rendering in the cloud.

According to Otoy's press release, this would provide a complete Windows or Linux desktop or workstation replacement in the cloud, capable of installing and running software or services designed for traditional PCs. Watch some sample videos: streaming Octane Render for 3DS Max, streaming Adobe Creative Cloud, Octane Cloud running in Firefox using ORBX.js.

Read the following press releases and blog posts for more: Mozilla, NVidia, Autodesk, Otoy, Amazon.

