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Mischief 1.09 출시

by DongHwan, Kim 2013. 11. 23.

Mischief 1.09 변경 사항

§  수평 방향과 수직 방향의 캔버스를 반전 기능

§  모든 해상도와 크기로 캔버스에서 선택된 영역의 PNG 이미지 내보내기

§  새로운 개별 (+) (-) 기능 단축키

§  Mac OS10.9 Mavericks 지원

§  Mac OS에서는 이미지 가져 오기 내보내기 응용 프로그램 창의 축소를 수반하는 다양한 문제를 해결

이전 (1.08)에서 체험판의 기간이 만료 사람도 1.09 설치하면 다시 15 평가판이 가능
대응 OS : Windows, MacOSX
가격 : $ 65 USD


Mischief Features


Infinite Definition
ischief uses a revolutionary new stroke representation. Get the richness of pixel-based brushes AND the scalability of vectors. Zoom in to any size and get a PERFECT edge. Export at ANY size and resolution.


Infinite Canvas
Mischief has a truly infinite canvas. Your artwork can grow organically without constraints. There is no need to preset paper sizes or resolutions or to resize the canvas during drawing.


Unprecedented Zoom
Mischief handles a zoom range of 50 trillion to one. Create artwork with extraordinary levels of detail or draw a story, within a story, within a story ... the possibilities are endless.  


Highly Responsive
Mischief exploits the massive parallelism of today‘s GPUs. Get unprecedented performance even for very complex artwork. Scale, pan, and rotate in real-time without compromising quality.


Small File Sizes
Mischief files are smaller than comparable Photoshop and Illustrator files. Sharing high resolution artwork has never been so painless.


No Manual Required
Get started instantly; just pick up your stylus and draw. Pen and paper styles, tool selection, layers, and all the essentials are right at your finger tips. No complex menus or hidden features.

