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[3ds Max] 이유없이 트랙 증가로 인해 파일이 커지는 현상

by DongHwan, Kim 2014. 2. 17.

질문 :

- 파일 합성 등의 작업을 수행 할 떄 Retime트랙이 무한정으로 증가하는 현상


- 아래의 Autodesk Area 홈페이지의 스크립트를 이용하여 Retime 트랙을 삭제를 하십시오 



#1: removing all retimers in one go

Only do this if you don't care about the retimers in the scene file as they will all be removed! 

Run the following MAXScript:

t=trackviewnodes;n=t[#Retimer_Manager];deleteTrackViewController t n.controller;gc()

And then save and reopen the file: now all the retimers are gone.

#2: removing the empty retimers

If you have used retimers in the scene file and you want to rid of the empty ones you can use the following script. It will be slower as it iterates through all retimers, checks if they have any markers and removes those which don't have any markers.


for i = 1 to nrt do



n=RetimerMan.GetNthRetimer j

if n!=undefined then


if n.nummarkers==0 then


RetimerMan.DeleteRetimer j




