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Old_2014~9/CG New & program

Forest Pack Pro 4.2.0 beta

by DongHwan, Kim 2014. 2. 19.



새로운 기능입니다.

•  Support for V-Ray 3.0 final.
•  Transform->Translation X/Y range is defined with min/max values.
•  Added Transform->Translation Map.
•  Added Transform->Probability map (for translation, rotation and scale). When enabled, the map is taken as a probability value for the random range (black: no random, white: full random range).
•  New Animation mode: "Frame from Map". Map is used to define the absolute frame within the Start/End range (black: Start, white: End).
•  Diversity Map can use its own texture, regardless of the Distribution Map.
•  Area parameters are imported from the Library Presets. If the active Forest object has splines assigned, they are reused.
•  New scattering algorithm for UV Surfaces, which allow to deform the surface without changing the density of the distribution. To preserve compatibility with old scenes, existing Forest objects use the old algorithm.
•  In Custom Edit mode, items are placed in the highest surface when there are several of them stacked.
•  "Material Optimizer" can be applied to the material library.
•  Inverted fallof curves can be used at same time with including and excluding areas.
•  "VRay not compatible" message is shown only one time and doesn't crash Max.
•  Forest Tools uses a more descriptive name for the generated items.

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