Maya2016 Bonus Tool에서는 Maya 2016의를 재고성하고 새로운 메뉴가 포함되었습니다.
모델링 도구가 통합되고 Batch 캐시 생성 기능이 포함되었습니다.
What’s New?
* Edit -> Duplicate Mesh as Reference
* Edit -> Paint Duplicate on Object
* Display -> Toggle XRay Per Mesh / Surface
* Display -> Orthographic Control
* Display -> Set Background / Grid to Classic
* Create -> Mesh Locator
* Create -> Separator on Shelf
* Modify -> Move Curve Pivot(s) to First CV
* Modify -> Edge Segment Snapping
* Modeling -> Combine and Copy Last Pivot
* Modeling -> Slide Edge Loop and Preserve UVs
* UV Editing -> Checker Pattern Size
* Rigging -> Toggle Parallel Evaluation
* Rigging -> Toggle GPU Acceleration
* Rigging -> Toggle OpenSubdiv + OpenCL for Selected
* Rigging -> GPU Acceleration Status: Currently Supported
* Rigging -> GPU Acceleration Status: Check Selected
* Rigging -> GPU Acceleration Status: Check All Deformers
* FX -> Bifrost Memory Usage
* FX -> Bifrost Batch Simulation
* Rendering -> Assign New Material for Each Selected
* Rendering -> Turtle: Render Image Sequence
* Help -> Go to Bonus Tool Install Location
What’s been updated?
* Display -> Display Control
* Window -> Attribute Collection
* Modify -> Isometric Shear
* UV Editing -> Auto Unwrap UV’s Tool
* UV Editing -> Rotate UVs Around Last Selected
* UV Editing -> Flip UVs Horizontally Across Last Selected
* UV Editing -> Flip UVs Vertically Across Last Selected
What’s been moved into Maya proper?
* Modeling -> Bevel Around Faces
What’s New?
* Modify -> Click/Drag Rotate Tool
* Modify -> Snap Align Object(s) to Components
* Modify -> Zero Pivots -> Keep Pivot Offset and Zero
* Modify -> Zero Pivots -> Center Pivot and Zero
* Modify -> Zero Pivots -> Move Pivot to Base and Zero
* Modify -> Zero Pivots -> Move Pivot to Origin and Zero
* Modify -> Replicate Object to Components
* Display -> Display Control HUD
* Display -> Toggle Poly Shell Count HUD
* Window -> LayoutTools: Asset Browser
* Window -> LayoutTools: Transform Tools
* Window -> LayoutTools: Snap/Align Tools
* Modeling -> Bevel Around Faces
* Rendering -> Search Project for Missing Textures
What’s been updated?
* Modify -> Click/Drag Move Tool
* Window -> Assembly Manager
* UV Editing -> Auto Unwrap UV’s Tool
What’s been moved into Maya proper?
* Modeling -> Convert Select to Perimeter Edges
* UV Editing -> Tile UVs
What’s New?
* Modify -> Move Selected to Camera
* Display -> Toggle X-Ray per Mesh/Surface
* Window -> Assembly Manager
* Window -> Script Editor -> Print OptionVars
* Window -> Script Editor -> Print GlobalVars
* Modeling -> Collapse Edge Ring Tool
* Modeling -> Convert Selection to Perimeter Edges
* Modeling -> Delete Edge Loop Tool
* Modeling -> Delete Connected Edges Tool
* UV Editing -> Nudge UVs
* UV Editing -> Tile UVs
* Rendering -> Add Transparency Attribute
* Help -> Refresh BonusTools Menu
What’s been updated?
* Modeling -> Select Every N-th Edge Loop/Ring
* Modeling -> DrawSplit
* Modeling -> DrawReduce
* Modeling -> Spin Edge Tool
* Animation -> Setup Arm
* Rendering -> Assign Checker Shader
* General -> Python path is now setup automatically for every OS
For All Platforms
See BonusTools documentation for any additional instructions.
Available on Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux
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