New version release - 1.8
This script aims to replace standard 3dsmax's Batch Render and imitates Houdini Output Node workflow. Using it you can specify rendering parameters - frame size, frame number, output path - directly to camera object, so every camera in scene 'knows' what it intended to render. Additional functionality is Lighting Assignment - you can specify which light will be turn on or off for selected camera during the rendering.
UPDATE 2010-01-02:
New Features and Improvements:
Render Elements path parameter and on/off switch added.
Path property lets you set Render Elements rendering path. Path may be
absolute or relative. In latter case path would be relative to Main
Output path. This property is also supports use of keywords.
There was a bug with Vray renderer and it's now fixed: Render Elements didn't render when "Enable VFB" was on. I've posted the problem on and on but there is no answer. Bug fixed thanks to the Track's solution. -
"Send Job as 32/64-bit" switch added
to the Net Render Options. This switch lets you submit net render job
as 32/64-bit respectively. If users platform differs from the on
specified by this switch, it would be reflected in network job name,
e.g. if user works on 32-bit platform and submit 64-bit job, that job
will have "64-bit" phrase added to the job name. -
Some buttons added and changed:
- "Toggle Check All" Checks/unchecks all cameras for the rendering.
- "Check Selected" Checks only selected camera(s).
Vray parameters moved to separate rollout. Some Vray-specific parameters added.
- "Vray Image" Multiplier - this could be used to specify .vrimg (or .exr) file resolution.
- "Enable VFB" - this checkbox is the same as "Enable built-in Frame Buffer" checkbox from the Vray:: Frame Buffer.
Several bug fixes considering store/restore
parameter values during max's session and handling of enabled/disabled
state of the parameters.
UPDATE 2009-10-21:
New Features and Improvements:
Image file name template system implemented - now you can
use special keywords to include camera name, scene state name, date,
resolution, scene file name and project folder name in image file name
or path. Therefore, "File name from camera name" and "Add folders from camera name" flags were removed.
The keywords are:- %cameraname%
- %scenestate%
- %resolution%
- %date%
- %scenename%
- %projectfolder%
Example usage:
D:\Work\%projectname%\%date%\%cameraname%.jpg -
Added new flag "Create new paths silently"
- if this checkbox is set paths that doesn't exist at the moment you
submit rendering will be created silently without any warning. If
checkbox is not set warning dialog box will be displayed. -
Net Render Options parameters are saving to
the special .ini file located in the ..\plugcfg\BatchCameraRender\
folder. Port parameter is fully functional and none of these parameters
are hardcoded anymore.For the first time the script is running you should set "Auto Search" to desired state and enter IP mask or manager name. Then press "Save Settings"
to save net render parameter values to ini file. Port number is
optional parameter, and default value will be used if you don't change
it. -
New buttons added to UI:
- "Set Viewport" button to set selected viewport to selected item in camera list.
- "Get Viewport" button to select list item according to selected viewport.
- "x2" and "1/2" to quickly halve and double rendering resolution.
- "to Max" and "from Max" to set or get resolution from or to max's Render Setup window.
Several bug fixes.
Bug reports and suggestions are always welcome.
Run this script with Maxscript ->
Run Script command from any folder on your hard drive, then go to the
*'Customize User Interface' -> 'Toolbars'*, browse to category
'Sergo Pogosyan' and add 'Render scene cameras...' button to the
toolbar or to the menu.
When you start this script it iterate over all cameras in scene and list them in the dialog box. To each of these cameras you can assign frame resolution, number of frames to render including nonsequential frames, output file location and lighting setup. All these properties can be changed for one or several selected cameras. Output file location is split to folder path and file name, so you can specify new folder for all selected cameras in scene. 'Lighting assignement' section contains three list: Solo light list contains lights that will be only lights turned on during the rendering, 'Forced On' and 'Forced Off' lights are turned on or off respectively during the rendering. After all these setting will be set up (if some properties is not set value from the Render Setup will be used), check the camera(s) in the list and hit Render button. Check Net Render checkbox to submit network render job.
Supported lights: All bundled 3ds max lights, all Vray Lights
Supported cameras: All bundled 3ds max cameras, Vray PhysicalCamera
Full (but old) description :