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Old__2020-22/Plug-in & script

Photo Studio Pro V3+

by DongHwan, Kim 2010. 1. 5.
Version:  V3+
Date Updated: 12/03/2009
Author Name: Thorsten Hartmann

Photo Studio Pro (PS Pro) is a photographic exposure control tool for computer generated images. The tool is made of various mentalray shaders that are combined in a phenomenon. This phenomenon is named Photostudio_V2.mi and runs on Maya, 3dsmax, XSI in both 32bit and 64bit. Since Max2008 there is a graphical user interface (gui) with datamanagement. Since 3dsmax2010 Hardwareshading in the viewport is supported. The interface is designed to manage your exposure output. PSPro has some very special features like: realtime exposure or the simulation of the Av/Tv mode of a SLR camera.

Photo Studio

Photo Studio

Version Requirement: 
3dsmax 2008, 3dsmax2009, 3dsmax2010
Other Software Required: 
mental ray
