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Dark pleasures

by DongHwan, Kim 2013. 11. 22.


Dark pleasures

Dark pleasures

After quite a long time preparing for the Academy Day, I felt like a short break from archviz. I also felt a little hungry. These three pieces are the outcome of these combined impulses. I delved into my food-styling inspiration folder and tried to come up with something that would evoke a cosy, warm autumn feel.

The modeling was mainly done in 3ds Max, with a little bit of ZBrush on top. All rendered in V-Ray 3 Beta.

Dark pleasures

Dark pleasures

Below the Raw Total Lighting passes out of V-Ray as a cheap substitute for Clay renders (add these to the beauty pass in post with a “soft light” blending mode for a deep contrasty feel – thanks to Zac Arato for the great tip).

ClayAnd a wire straight from the Max viewport:



